12 Dec A Total Of 18 Human Feet Have Now Washed Up On Beaches On The Canadian-American Border
Another foot has mysteriously appeared on a Canadian beach, making it the 18th one to do so since the first one was discovered in 2007. The gruesome discovery, which compromised of a skeletal human foot inside a sneaker with part of the leg still attached, was made by a man who was walking his dog on a beach on Vancouver Island.
Alarmingly, this isn’t the first time that this has happened. In fact, it has become so regular that locals in the area now expect to find human feet as they walk along the shore. While most of us may search for seashells, those living near the Salish Sea morbidly look out for human remains – the latter of which would not look very pretty on the mantelpiece.
Of the 18 discoveries, 13 were made across British Columbia, Canada; the remaining five were found across shorelines in Washington, US.
The first freaky find was made in 2007 when a girl visiting Jedediah Island stumbled upon a size 12 Adidas trainer. Clueless to what she’d inadvertently found, she opened the shoe, to find a man’s foot within. After heavy investigations, it was determined that the trainer, which was produced in 2003, belonged to a missing man who’d been suffering from depression.
The next foot was found a mere six days later on nearby Gabriola Island by an unassuming couple enjoying a stroll. The foot was waterlogged and appeared to have been taken ashore by an animal, after having separated from its body due to decay. This time the foot was found inside a size 12 Reebok trainer, manufactured in 2004 and since discontinued.
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