Incredible Video Shows Newborn Baby Effortlessly “Popping Out” During Birth

Despite all the blood, poop and screaming, the birth of a child is one of the most beautiful moments in a person’s life. Despite nine months of discomfort, pain, complications, bizarre cravings, morning sickness, evening sickness, restless nights, swelling and the undying need to pee – it all becomes worth it when you finally hear your child cry for the first time and he’s placed in your arms


You become a parent. You’re life finally has more love and purpose than ever before, and most importantly, you’ve created a life. It simply can’t be put into words.

However, after talking to my own mother about when she gave birth to me, one thing that can definitely be put into words is the birthing process. Most of these words were expletives and graphically detailed how my 9lb 2oz “tore her in half”.

Cheers mom, there’s an image I’ll never be able to erase from my mind.

Although rarely without its complications, childbirth will always happen one of two ways – vaginally or a C-section, medicated or naturally.

If you ever speak to a father who was in the room when the mother of their child was giving birth, you will often hear horror stories about certain things being splattered against walls, and unidentifiable fluids leaking from hole that they didn’t even know existed!

Then, if you speak to the mother (such as my own), they will often give you a minute-by-minute rundown of their 14 hour labor, complete with a pain chart.

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