North Korea ‘Sentences Donald Trump To Death’ For Insulting Kim Jong-Un

Tensions between the United States and North Korea have worsened in the wake of President Trump referring to Kim Jong-un as “short and fat” in a tweet. This insult was a retort to the North Korean dictator after he called the president “old”.

“Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me ‘old,’ when I would NEVER call him ‘short and fat?’ Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend – and maybe someday that will happen!” Trump tweeted.

Yes, these are the comments made by leaders of nations, not school children.

Jong-un’s determination to build nuclear arsenal that would enable his country to reach military “equilibrium” with the United States has been in defiance of the international community, who have unanimously condemned his actions.

Trump and Jong-un have been engaged in an epic battle of words which has escalated in intensity since the former businessman took office in January of this year. The president has previously referred to the dictator as “Little Rocket Man”.

But, on a more worrying note, Trump and Jong-un have issued each other with increased threats of violence. When North Korea tested its weapons close to the US territory of Guam, Trump said that an actual attack would be met with “fire and fury.”

Now the North Korean state-owned media has issued an alarming threat to Trump in the newspaper Rodong Sinmun, informing the president that he has been sentenced to death by the North Korean people for insulting their leader.

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