Here’s Where You Should Sit On A Plane If You Want The Best Service

Everyone loves a vacation, but the flight to get to that perfect holiday destination can be frustrating. Screaming kids, cramped legs, and airline food doesn’t really set the mood for your hard earned vacation.

Why not try to make the most of it? With the following tips, you’ll be receiving the best service from the flight attendants, ensuring that you snag that extra miniature bottle of wine, a second snack, or another pillow to start your vacation off as relaxing as possible.

There can be hundreds of seats on a plane – but which one guarantees the best service? The results are mixed, but two studies from international airlines EasyJet and Skyscanner can give you an exact seat number.

According to Easyjet, the answer is 7F, while Skyscanner argues it’s 6A. However, these locations were determined by a poll of travellers and sales popularity.

If you’re trying to get a few extras on your flight, perhaps you should take advice from the flight attendants themselves. Flight attendant Annie Kingston revealed that if you want the best service, it’s best to sit in a certain section of the plane, rather than a specific seat.

“Flight attendants know that if you’re sitting towards the back, you’ll receive the most attentive service.”

Apparently sitting in the back of the plane will guarantee you those extra perks, but this may seem counterintuitive. After all, those at the back get served last and may not have the full range of choice when it comes to meal or snack selection.

It also means you’ll be close to the toilets and no one wants to smell those for the duration of a long haul flight. So what’s the deal? Kingston explains:

“We like to avoid responding to call bells from the front of the plane because answering one means potentially flaunting whatever item the passenger has requested to everyone else along the way.”

The post Here’s Where You Should Sit On A Plane If You Want The Best Service appeared first on Viral Thread.

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