24 People Who Make Themselves Comfortable In The Most Ridiculous Ways

Comfort is one of the best and most relaxing states that humans can ever be in. There’s nothing like being able to put your feet up, clad in a plush dressing gown with a steaming cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows.

Unfortunately, unless you’re treating yourself to a day at the spa, being comfortable is something you can usually only do in the comfort of your own home.

I mean, we can’t exactly curl up into a ball in public settings, or wear our comfiest pyjamas on the subway.

On second thoughts, maybe we can… These people certainly have no qualms in taking their love of comfort to the extreme.

1. Nothing like a good breakfast to accompany a lecture

I mean, he’s a student who can cook (well, sort of), so give the guy a break!

2. It’s the best travel pillow I’ve ever seen

What a soft slumber that must have been…

3. People can spend hours trying to find a comfortable sleeping position

There’s moving around a lot in your sleep, and then there’s this…

When you have a passion-filled night with a partner, the last thing you’d want to do is get out from under the covers straight afterwards. So, why not do what this next woman did?

The post 24 People Who Make Themselves Comfortable In The Most Ridiculous Ways appeared first on Viral Thread.

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