30 Low-Key Crimes Against Humanity That Should Totally Be Illegal

There are plenty of people who inconvenience us on a daily basis, and the worst thing is, they don’t even realize they’re doing it. And all the while, the rest of us have to continue to be polite, take all their sh*t on the chin and turn the other cheek.

Well I’m tired of it, and I know there are millions of other people who feel the same. So what am I going to do about it? Well… nothing. Just complain about it on the internet.

Here are 30 low-key crimes against humanity that need to be made illegal:

1. When you smell a waft of cheese coming from behind you

It’s bad enough that she’s resting her feet on his armrest, but then she has the nerve to take off her socks?!

2. Raw shrimp and coffee anyone?

There are too many lazy a**holes at the grocery store.

3. The worst kind of a**hole at the grocery store

Why do these people insist on leaving their sh*t in the middle of the aisle?!

4. Just when it was getting juicy

Thanks man, we’ll never know which lucky person went “unpoliced by God now”.

Now call me unreasonable, but I think thoughtlessly inconveniencing members of the public, deliberate or not, should be an actual crime. Am I right?

The post 30 Low-Key Crimes Against Humanity That Should Totally Be Illegal appeared first on Viral Thread.

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