04 Oct 26 Everyday Items With Amazing Functions You Never Knew Even Existed
Since the very beginning of humankind, we have been coming up with impressively elaborate devices to make our lives just a little easier. We’re a species of inventors and innovators and I don’t want to state the obvious, but modern humans are insanely clever and undeniably the most intelligent animals planet Earth has ever seen.
While our hunter-gatherer ancestors slept in caves with their only cave drawings for entertainment, we sleep in comfy houses complete with warm beds and internet access.
In fact, we’re so great at inventing things that we’ve become an insatiable bunch. We have a stream of needs that big corporations are constantly trying to profit from. And boy have they profited.
Not only do we have everything we need and more, what we often don’t realize is that a lot of items that have been invented for our consumption have very useful features that most of us have yet to discover.
Here are 26 products with potential uses that we have somehow managed to overlook.
1. The indent at the bottom of wine bottles
The indent at the base of wine bottles isn’t just there for the heck of it, or even so the waiter can pour you a glass whilst looking fancy. It actually controls the pressure when the bottle is fitted with a cork.
2. The hole at the end of tape measures
The hole exists so that you can slip a nail or screw through it and ensure the tape measure is securely in place.
3. Winter hat bobble
This isn’t just a questionable fashion choice. These kinds of winter hats were once used by sailors and the bobble was there to ensure there was something in place to protect their heads.
4. Carefully placed signs on the highway
If the exit plaque is aligned on the left, the exit is on the left and if it’s aligned on the right, the exit is on the right.
You might think you know how to use a rear view mirror, however, you probably didn’t know that it contains a tab that’ll prevent other cars’ high-beam lights from blinding you. Check this out…
The post 26 Everyday Items With Amazing Functions You Never Knew Even Existed appeared first on Viral Thread.
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