Jennifer Aniston Has Revealed What She Eats In A Day And It’ll Probably Make You Hate Her

The world that we live in has become more superficial than ever before. With makeup blogs and vlogs accumulating large fanbases all over the internet, and fashion magazines telling us how we have to look, superficiality is pretty hard to resist.

Often we look up to celebrities as a source of inspiration when it comes to health and fitness. I mean, they always look super toned, super slender and super hot! We aspire to resemble our favorite celebrities as closely as we possibly we can, and usually this involves taking note of their diet and fitness regimen.

Unfortunately, the health and fitness advice that they espouse tends to be ridiculous at best and sometimes potentially quite dangerous. And the advice isn’t always necessarily to do with weight loss.

Who could forget that time when Gwyneth Paltrow claimed that inserting jade eggs inside the vagina “can help cultivate sexual energy, increase orgasm, balance the cycle, stimulate key reflexology around vaginal walls… and invigorate our life force”? And if you remember that sketchy piece of advice, you probably also remember that Gwyneth Paltrow’s, very own lifestyle company, Goop, generously sold these jade eggs for $66 a piece!

Medical professionals around the world were appalled that the actress was spouting false facts about our bodies, and then even had the nerve to profit off it.

In response to the phenomenon of bad celebrity advice, Steven Salzberg, a Professor of biomedical engineering, computer science, and biostatistics told Healthline: “Because celebrities have a big audience, they can have a big effect on people’s behavior. And if they give out bad advice, that can be very dangerous.”

Professor Salzberg then went into further detail about society’s reliance on health advice from celebrities:

“In this era, what often happens is a celebrity will bring something up, and people will begin googling it. It can begin a national conversation. Now, some of that conversation is informed and some of that information isn’t informed.

And so what has to happen is that health organizations need to weigh in and become part of that conversation so people can find trusted information from organizations like the Red Cross, American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, and I’d like to say us at the American Public Health Association. There are also federal agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

Dr. Georges Benjamin, the executive director of the American Public Health Association also told Healthline:

“Celebrities are seen through the lens of their fans as trusted messengers. The challenge we have is making sure that those messages are correct and that those celebrities are well-informed. Frankly, sometimes, they’re simply wrong.”

The post Jennifer Aniston Has Revealed What She Eats In A Day And It’ll Probably Make You Hate Her appeared first on Viral Thread.

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