21 Facepalm-Worthy Facebook Fails That Will Leave You With Your Head In Your Hands

Facebook is a great way of connecting with our peers and acquaintances, and sharing with the world what’s going on in our lives. However, it’s also an incredible platform because it allows people to shamelessly reveal their stupidity and ignorance for our own amusement.

What would we do without social media and the ability to screenshot? It’s a world I certainly wouldn’t want to live in! Here are 21 sidesplittingly hilarious Facebook fails.

1. This girl didn’t want the world to know that she settled for prom

2. This girl’s brother couldn’t wait to throw her under the bus

3. This bitchy Facebook commenter for sure knew this woman wasn’t pregnant

4. Imagine we all had a dad like Robert Cyller. Ugh it doesn’t bear thinking about…

5. The guy that gives all singletons a bad name…

If a dad were to see a half-naked photo of his daughter on Facebook, you might expect him to click it away in horror, but not this daring dad…

The post 21 Facepalm-Worthy Facebook Fails That Will Leave You With Your Head In Your Hands appeared first on Viral Thread.

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