21 Dog Tinder Bios That’ll Definitely Make You Swipe Left

Dogs are intelligent, loving and always will be man’s best friend. The thing is, we can never really get an insight into what they’re really like because our ability to communicate with them is fairly limited.

Yes, they respond to their own names and to basic commands like “sit” and “rollover”, but the only reply we can hope to get back is a bark. I don’t know about you, but I want to know what dogs get up to in their spare time, what they do career-wise and what kind of issues they have in their seemingly relaxed lives.

Here are 21 dog bios uncovering the true lives of man’s best friend…

1. He’s a middle-aged family man who constantly disappoints his wife and kids

He’s also having an affair with the pooch next door. She’s only just had a few puppies of her own, but the thrill is incomparable.

2. He’s thinking of packing in his business and moving somewhere hot and exotic

He’s narrowed it down to Barcelona, Valencia and Marbella. He prefers paella to meatballs anyway…

3. Darlene’s getting rather frail in her old age

However, after years of being a widow, she’s finally ready to settle down with someone new. Know any elderly dogs looking for a vivacious pooch?

4. His craft beer has always been the talk of the town

He also has a never-ending supply of plaid shits and beanies

5. You’ll usually find Sharon relaxing in the spa

She also goes to the gym a lot, but the only time she breaks into a sweat is when she lounges around in the sauna.

This next dog claims to enjoy watching documentaries so that he can broaden his horizons. However, the truth is he only puts them on in the background… On mute… While he tweets about how worldly and educated he is.

The post 21 Dog Tinder Bios That’ll Definitely Make You Swipe Left appeared first on Viral Thread.

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