19 Sep Experts Reveal That Missionary Is The Second Most Dangerous Sex Position For Men
There are hundreds of sex positions, and I can guarantee that you’ve definitely never heard of most – never mind tried them out. Trust me. Google the “Catherine Wheel” or the “Prone Tiger” and you’ll realize just how little you really know about intercourse. But this really isn’t a problem for most couples, who are happy to rely on their handful of go-to positions.
Way back in the eighteenth century, when mutual pleasure during sex was frowned upon, women were told to “lie on their back and think of England” on their wedding night. This was, of course, a reference to the missionary position.
As far as our prudish ancestors were concerned, women were to think only of doing their duty and procreating – never mind getting any kind of pleasure from the act. But for the majority of virgins, missionary is their position of choice.
Why? Well, because it’s easy for couples to maneuver themselves into, especially if they’re sexually inexperienced. The male can control the depth and speed of penetration, ensuring that his female partner is as comfortable as possible.
What’s more is that the missionary position is pleasurable for women, providing that there’s adequate foreplay, and the male enters from the right angle to stimulate her sexually. So women can forget that “thinking of England” bullsh*it.
However, a recent study in the Journal of Impotence Research has revealed that the missionary position is surprisingly dangerous for men. So before you’ve completely written off the “Prone Tiger”, you might want to read on…
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