19 Sep Do You Get Goosebumps When Listening To Music? Then According To Research Your Brain Might Be Special
We’ve all had goosebumps before – every single one of us (apart from maybe one or two anomalies of course). We know the drill – when we’re just a little too cold for comfort the little hairs on our body raise. It’s an instant indicator to those around you that you’re feeling cold, in the same vein that turning red is a clear sign that you’re embarrassed.
You may know some basic science behind why we get goosebumps in the first place – in order to trap heat between the little hairs. However, there are a number of other reasons why we get goosebumps, totally unrelated to temperature…
Personally, I used to think when people said things like, “I get goosebumps listening to [insert favorite artist] sing”, they meant it purely in a metaphorical sense, now I’m not so sure. That’s because recent research has uncovered strong evidence to prove that there are certain people who not only get goosebumps from listening to music they love, but also that this makes them extraordinarily special.
Matthew Sachs, a graduate student at the University of Southern California, ran the experiments at Harvard University. He explains why he decided to conduct the experiment:
“It stemmed from a deep interest in intense, profound emotional responses, in particular those that come from music. I’ve always been fascinated by how a collection of tones changing over time has the ability to evoke these very strong sensations.”
According to his findings, people who get goosebumps when listening to their favorite songs are unique in the sense that their bodies’ emotional responses function in a completely different way.
So, how did Sachs go about organizing his ambitious experiment? Well, he reached out to ordinary members of the public, and asked people who either always experienced a sense of euphoria when listening to a song they really loved or those who felt no such feeling, to volunteer.
The results of the experiment were very telling, particularly about those who experience profound physiological effects when listening to music…
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