Hero Police Officer Talks down ‘Knife-Wielding’ Assailant before Calmly Embracing Him

What would you do if someone came at you with a knife? I know what I would do: run. I would run as fast as my legs could take me (which isn’t very fast) and I would never look back. It all comes down to fight or flight and I am definitely more flight. I think I would only fight if I was trapped, but even then it wouldn’t be pretty; I would resemble a moving human windmill.

One thing I wouldn’t do if someone came at me with a knife is talk to him or her, and then give them a massive hug. There’s a not a single chance that I would let give that person one second to talk; I would just run. However, Anirut Malee, a cop from Bangkok, Thailand, did exactly this and defused an incredibly hostile in a matter of seconds.

The cop was confronted by a knife-wielding invader and remained calm under pressure, using words rather than actions to calm everything down. After the incredible footage emerged, Malee, who said he “sympathized” with the man, has been praised online for his actions, sensible behaviour and for using peace rather than violence to relax the situation.

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