13 Sep Pictures Have Emerged of Disney World Florida After It Survived Hurricane Irma
Disney World Florida is one of the world’s most iconic holiday destinations. Built in 1971, the park attracts millions of visitors every year. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Disney fan or an avid thrill-seeker, the park has something for everyone.
Florida, however, has recently hit the news for a darker reason. It was directly in the path of one of the most deadly hurricanes in recent history, Hurricane Irma, and tens of thousands of Floridians were evacuated in order to minimize casualties.
Pictured below is Disney World before it closed for Hurricane Irma. Many precautions were taken inside the park; lights were covered with protective bags and objects were secured down to avoid being thrown around in Irma’s winds.
Hurricane Irma made landfall on Florida on Sunday, destroying a quarter of homes in the Florida Keys, killing at least 12 people, and leaving millions without power. As residents return home, more details of Irma’s destruction are emerging.
Disney World issued the following statement on Thursday, September 7 about its closure for Hurricane Irma:
“Based on the latest forecasts for Hurricane Irma and keeping safety top of mind, Walt Disney World Resort will be closed on Sunday, September 10 and will remain closed through Monday, September 11.”
Disney fans and holidaymakers alike were anxious to see how the famous park fared once the storm had passed, especially as the first photographs taken of the Sunshine State after Hurricane Irma were almost unrecognizable.
This is what “the happiest place on Earth” looks like after Hurricane Irma paid a visit…
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