14 Jun Diplo Had an Incredible Response to Katy Perry Dissing His Skills in Bed
Some point to celebrity status as the veritable apotheosis of the American Dream. A paragon of success and virtue to many, celebrity has become an aspect of considerable influence in our modern culture, capable of wielding both benevolent deeds that aim to ameliorate the lives of others, and disseminating vacuous, vapid social mores that frankly our lives would probably be richer without.
Whatever your personal views on pop culture figures, it is undeniable that society at large has become enraptured by their effervescent glow; whipped up irresistibly in the coruscating heat of their fame to such an extent that many could be fairly accused of living vicariously through the rich and famous.
Regardless of your personal feelings, it is always worth indulging in some juicy celebrity gossip, particularly when it comes straight from the mouth of one of the involved parties. This was the case when Katy Perry made some very recent – and altogether remarkably candid – remarks on her previous lovers, even ranking them in performance order based on their sexual prowess.
John Mayer topped the imagined copulative leader board, Orlando Bloom came in a respectable second place, while Diplo brought up the rear in lowly third position. Perry was keen to stress that all three men were more than proficient lovers, though it would appear the Diplo rather seems to have taken her comments to heart, after he responded to the singer’s revelations on Twitter.
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