14 Jun Mom Has Found a Genius Way to Store All of Her Babies’ Bottles
We all know that having a baby is one of the biggest changes that can happen in an individual’s life, but sometimes it can be hard for us childless people to understand the full extent of the changes afoot. You have to wave goodbye to restful nights and irresponsible ventures, and even though they’re tiny and virtually helpless, they take up so much room! With diapers, toys and new clothes (which they’ll outgrow in absolutely no time at all), it can be a nightmare to integrate your new baby into the household.
One thing I never think about, however, is the sheer space you need just for baby bottles. Brooke McDaniel from Texas had two children back-to-back, so she ended up needing enough to handle twice the demand! How on earth did she manage to store all those bottles?
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