Young Girl Miraculously Pulls ‘Excalibur’ From The Same Lake Arthur’s Sword Was Thrown

What was your greatest achievement as a child? Coming third place in the egg and spoon race at Sports Day? Building a Lego tower that was taller than you? Whilst both of those are noble accomplishments, they won’t quite compare to seven-year-old Mathilda Jones’ discovery, which is sending historians and archaeologists into a complete meltdown…

Mathilda Jones was enjoying a summer holiday with her family on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall when she made her startling find. Whilst wading through waist-deep water in Dozmary Pool, she stumbled upon a blade. But, this wasn’t any old discarded fishing penknife or camping knife – what she pulled from the water was quite extraordinary…

The 7-year-old had unwittingly discovered a 4ft sword. This find would have been incredible enough on it’s own, except that Dozmary Pool, according to legend, is where King Arthur’s Excalibur was thrown. Had Mathilda just found one of history’s most coveted pieces?

Or, is there more to this story than meets the eye?

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