30 Aug Don’t Panic, But A Three-Mile-Wide Asteroid Is Set To Graze Past Earth On Friday
Our planet has had countless encounters with asteroids over the years, however, the one that is happening this Friday is completely unique. “Why?” I hear you ask. It is because the asteroid passing by is a staggering three miles wide and has the potential to irrevocably change life on Earth.
Dubbed ‘Florence’ after the founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale (1820-1910), this incredible asteroid was first spotted by the Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics (RSAA) in Australia, all the way by in March, 1981.
The monumental find was made by Schelte “Bobby” Bus at the Siding Spring Observatory, and space organizations worldwide have been tracking it ever since.
Florence will be visible in the US from late August to early September, but she will be closest on September 1. This is a once-in-a-lifetime event as this colossal asteroid, hasn’t been this close to Earth 1890, and will never come this close to our planet again until 2500 AD. This is what NASA had to say about an asteroid this big coming so close to Earth…
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