Trump Says ‘All Options On The Table’ As North Korea Threatens To Target US Territory Guam

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un sent shockwaves around the world this Tuesday by launching a missile over Japan that had previously been described as an “ultra-modern rocket system”. The photograph below was then released along with a statement from the dictator warning President Trump that it was a prelude to an attack on the US territory of Guam.

The relationship between the US and North Korea has been rocky since the 1950-1953 Korean War. Despite an armistice in 1953, relations have remained tense as a result of ideological differences, which have worsened as a result of North Korea’s attempts to develop nuclear weapons.

However, tensions between the two nations also became somewhat “nuclear” when Kim Jong-un was sanctioned from entering the US in July 2016 – an act North Korea interpreted as a declaration of war. Then, in April of this year, the Trump administration warned the country to immediately stop developing nuclear weapons.

Guam is the closest US territory to North Korea, and, in the event of war, it would be a crucial base for our military to gain a stronghold in the area because it is a mere 2,200 miles southeast of North Korea. If Kim Jong-un follows through with his threat to launch an attack on Guam, a war could potentially break out.

But just how far can Jong-un’s missiles strike? The following image is a stark realization of the potential danger the Us is facing…

The post Trump Says ‘All Options On The Table’ As North Korea Threatens To Target US Territory Guam appeared first on Viral Thread.

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