28 Aug 15 Of Your Childhood Toys That Confused The Living Crap Out Of You
Rarely does a day go by where I don’t long for the days of childhood. Whilst we lacked any semblance of freedom or self-determination, there’s something to be said for having all of your meals prepared for you, wearing the same uniform to school each day, and having no financial responsibility whatsoever.
Unfortunately, we spent the vast majority of our childhood years whiling away hours of playtime imagining all of the things we would do once we were “grown up”. And as it turns out, our childhood dreams tended to be a little short-sighted. I, for example, wished to be a policewoman at the tender age of six. This then morphed into the desire to be an actress, and then to be Prime Minister at 14.
It’s safe to say that none of these incredibly distinct career paths ever worked out. And now, all I am left with is the desire to turn back time and have all of those endless hours of fun and games back. So for my sake and yours, let’s go back in time and revisit some of our favourite childhood toys, in all of their weird and wonderful glory…
1. The baby born doll which drank water and could urinate
2. These incredibly dangerous “Moon Shoes”
3. And those rather magical refilling milk bottles
4. You can’t forget about magic sand…
5. Perhaps the biggest disappointment of everyone’s childhood was that these aliens never had babies
EVERYONE had this popular toy in the 90s…
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