18 Aug Photographer Loads People With Wine And Captures Their Incredible Transformations
Working full-time can be draining. Sometimes all you want to do is forget that you’ve got bills to pay and hit snooze on your alarm. Maybe I’ll have a cheeky sick day, you think to yourself. But then you remember that you’re a fully functioning adult with a career and ambitions and force yourself out of bed. That holiday in Florida isn’t going to pay for itself, and you promised your partner that you guys were finally going to visit Disneyland this year.
When you finally get home from your long day at work there’s only one thing on your mind – having a large glass of wine. The alcoholic grape juice of the gods helps you to relax and unwind, ideally with the aid of a warm bubble bath and a delicious takeaway. Photographer Marcos Alberti joked with friends about the transformative power of wine after a hard day at work and jokingly taking photographs of his friends after they drank a few glasses…
This eventually turned into an epic photography project called ”3 Glasses”. Taken in Marcos’ studio, these pictures depict volunteers having a few glasses of wine after work. It’s impossible to look at these photographs and not chuckle. Nothing eases stress and tension like wine. Period.
1. Watch this man’s glum expression curl into a smile with each glass…
2. She tried to maintain her composure, but the wine eventually won…
3. This woman just gets happier with each glass she drinks…
4. This guy’s like a new man after three glasses of wine…
Whilst there’s no doubt that alcohol should be enjoyed in moderation, it’s been proven that a small amount of alcohol each day has numerous health benefits!
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