Off-Duty Cop Overhears Guy Threatening His Date In A Restaurant, And Decides To Take Action

A question I often ask myself is “what would I do in that situation?” Whether it be a monumental disaster, or simply witnessing a fight breaking out between two drunk men in a bar, I would hope that I would act rather than would sit, stunned by what I am seeing and unable to intervene in any way.

I don’t think I’m alone in thinking about this, especially now that the internet brings us stories every day of civilians in awful situations, who either watch on silently or heroically respond.

This was the situation one man found himself in a restaurant recently, when he overheard a disturbing conversation between a man and a woman at another table. The two were presumably out for a date, but the things the man was overheard saying was definitely abusive. At one point it became too much to handle, and the eavesdropper knew they had to intervene.

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