09 Aug This Guy Spray-Painted Hateful Tweets On The Sidewalk For An Amazing Reason
In any comment section, there always going to be some people who take things way too far. Even with silly cat videos you don’t have to scroll down far before you catch a 200-long comment thread that has somehow escalated from “haha this is funny” to an explosive debate about Communism.
While seeing how people can get way off-track arguing with strangers is a fun pastime, there are some comments that are so vile it can ruin your day and make you promise never to scroll down to that section ever again.
The veil of anonymity the internet gives us allows for some really awful things to be said by people who would never dream of saying it in public.
Naturally, if someone says something truly offensive, or is abusive towards another user in any way, sites will have a built-in report option to flag the comment. That way you can let them know that the comment is spam, or just plain offensive to hear. At least, that’s what is meant to happen.
But Twitter has come under fire countless times for their failure to actually follow through on any of these reports. And one German man finally just had enough.
The post This Guy Spray-Painted Hateful Tweets On The Sidewalk For An Amazing Reason appeared first on Viral Thread.
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