Ryan Reynolds Is Looking Absolutely Incredible Ahead Of The Release Of Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2 is surely one of the most highly anticipated movies in recent memory.

Though the first instalment was something of a back door hit (a double entendre of which I’m sure Deadpool himself would be appreciative), audiences are labouring under no such illusions this time round; expectations are sky high, and the writers will do well to surprise audiences who are now wise to their irreverent style and crass humour.

Deadpool is in many ways the perfect movie for our modern society. Chock-full of shareable, quotable moments, a fourth-wall breaking leading man and a not inconsiderable amount of violence, the movie makes for scintillating viewing.

The stakes, then, for its sequel, are extremely high. Frankly, if Ryan Reynolds’ Twitter is anything to go by, it might be as well to leave the camera rolling as he comes up with quip after quip.

Regardless, if Reynold’s astonishing physique ahead of Deadpool 2 is any barometer for the film’s success, it would appear that fans are in for an absolute treat.

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