This Husband’s Open Letter To His ‘Curvy’ Wife Went Viral For the Best Reason 

Society has dictated what we find “attractive” about women’s bodies for too long, and the impossible beauty standards, which they laud above anything else, are inescapable. Popular culture, whether it be in the form of television, films or magazines, constantly bombards us with retouched images of seemingly flawless human beings. Not only does this make us question our self-worth, but the ideals that they promote are impossible to reach, at least until photoshop becomes a form of virtual reality wherein we can edit our features and hide our blemishes on the go.
Whilst much has improved since the 90’s when the waif-thin, heroin chic look was in vogue, the rise of the Instagram model and easily “filtered” reality comes with its own set of unique problems. One husband, however, set to make “curvy” women everywhere understand just how beautiful their bodies are.
In an open letter, Robbie Tripp thanked his wife for helping him see beyond conventional ideas of what it means to be beautiful.

The post This Husband’s Open Letter To His ‘Curvy’ Wife Went Viral For the Best Reason  appeared first on Viral Thread.

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