This Family Don Helmets In Solidarity With Their Baby Who Has To Wear One

When times are hard, when we are down on our luck, often family is the only thing we have.

After all, no one in the world knows you better, and, in most instances, no one else is more likely to have your best interests at heart than those who raised you. Life has a tendency to come at us hard, fast and relentlessly, and it is impossible to predict when disaster or misfortune will strike.

Indeed, where is the first place many of us turn when the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune strike? Our parents house, of course. The comfort of home mollifies us in times of trouble and strife; a safe place where our problems need not follow us.

It is often said that there is no love like a mother’s for her son, though this notion would seem to do a discourtesy to all the excellent fathers out there. Certainly, Gary Gutierrez and his wife Shayna Gutierrez are setting the bar commendably high with their own brand of caring parenting, after reports emerged detailing the heartwarming manner in which they express their support for son Jonas.

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