29 Jul British Truck Driver Gets Strange Tattoo Of Tiny Man Driving His Body
I’m not someone who’s seriously into tattoos. I don’t want one, and I don’t find them particularly appealing. Yet the culture around body art has only gotten more mainstream and popular in recent years, and nowadays it feels like you have to look really hard to find someone who hasn’t ever been inked before. Maybe in the future everyone will have one? Who knows?
But even I, as naive and unschooled as I am about tattoos, know that its an art where originality is valued and tackiness deeply abhorred. Its why derisive terms like “tramp stamp” have entered our colloquial lexicon, to describe body art that’s perceived as being gauche or unsophisticated.
In their endless quest to attain a tattoo that’s utterly unique, enthusiasts have gone to more and more extreme lengths to modify themselves. Some people cover their entire skin in tattoos, in a process that’s halfway between a ritual and an addiction. Others employ facial tattoos and creepy markings in order to give themselves a frightening, intimidating appearance. There are some people who see tattoos as a way of telling a visual joke, and use their body as a means of delivering a punchline of sorts. Is it worth it? Probably not. But is it often hilarious? Absolutely.
This week however we’ve managed to learn about what might just be the weirdest, and funniest tattoo ever devised. A truck driver from the North of England has posted images of his new self-devised tattoo on social media, and it really deserved to be looked at twice. You’ll either laugh out loud or do a double-take when you see this dude shirtless.
The post British Truck Driver Gets Strange Tattoo Of Tiny Man Driving His Body appeared first on Viral Thread.
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