Photographer Captures Eerie Beauty Of Abandoned Japanese Love Hotel

There are some people who can only find beauty where life thrives and where people live, but for others, true beauty can only be found in extreme isolation, in places that have been abandoned by humans and left to rot.

One such example are the ghost towns and empty houses where nature has had years to encroach upon what was once inhabited. Bob Thissen is one of these people – a photographer who has made it his mission to study and document places in the world that have gone to seed. He creeps around the desolate places of the world, snapping up images of buildings and streets that have succumbed to gradual decrepitude.

Bob’s latest project takes a look at Asian Love Hotels. For those of you who have never heard of the term before, let me explain. Love hotels are a curious Japanese cultural artifact; discreet boarding rooms designed to facilitate short-term stays, all so people can indulge in their sexual proclivities undisturbed by prying eyes. They are often small, tacky places with a gauche decor and hidden entrances. So when Bob heard all about an abandoned one on outskirts of Tokyo, he couldn’t resist the opportunity to saddle up and check it out himself.

 1. The hotel bar

2. A “bridal suite”

3. A medieval themed room

4. Complete with suit of armour

The post Photographer Captures Eerie Beauty Of Abandoned Japanese Love Hotel appeared first on Viral Thread.

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