22 Jul Lawyers Use Uber Data To Prove Affairs During Divorce Cases
In today’s age of tracking and data collection, it is getting more and more difficult to successfully cheat on a partner without being caught. Just a few decades ago, all you would have to do is come up with some reasonable excuse for your absence, and that would be it… no cell phones, no GPS tracking, nothing to pinpoint you to a location other than the one where you said you would be. You could communicate with your secret lover over pay phones, leaving no trace that you even knew each other.
The emergence of cell phones started to change that in recent years, with many relationships ending after secret texts or calls were found to an unknown number. The popularity of social media apps has made this even more common, as everyone’s constant documentation of their whereabouts has made it much easier to keep tabs on what they are up to. But, two-timers, now you have another technological service to worry about catching you in your dishonest escapades… Uber.
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