20 Jul Friends Find Mysterious Cooler Floating In A Lake, But What They Found Inside Made Them Jump Back…
There’s nothing better than hanging out with your friends. It’s even better when it’s a hot summer’s day. And it’s better still when you’re drinking an ice cold Heineken. Days like this are a chance to relax and forget about your everyday troubles.
That’s why so many people flock to beaches, lakes and rivers. Whether it’s to soak up some rays, have a swim, or fish for something to throw on the barbecue. The sound of waves and flowing rivers are normally guaranteed to help you to relax. However, this group of friends got the shock of their lives when they saw a mysterious cooler floating down the river they were relaxing by…
Have You And Your Friends Found Something Strange?
When you’re having a good time with friends, the last thing you expect is for something bad to suddenly happen. These guys probably thought it was their lucky day when they saw the cooler floating in the lake; that they were about to find some extra cans of Budweiser or maybe even a few Coca Colas! They couldn’t have been more wrong. What they found will chill you to the core…
This group of guys were having what they thought was a relaxing day, until one of them spotted what looked like a Coleman or Igloo cooler floating down the river. It was a pretty large cooler, so it’d have been hard to miss!
1. The Guys Spot The Cooler
Once the cooler was spotted, one of the guys filmed what happened next on his Samsung cell phone. It’s a good thing that he did because what was inside was truly shocking and disturbing. Their relaxing day wasn’t going to be relaxing any longer!
The cooler had clearly piqued their interest, but before someone could swim out to it, the cameraman asked the other people on the riverbank if it belonged to any of them – it might have accidentally slipped into the water…
2. They Ask Around
Okay, so it’s unlikely that a cooler would end up in a river by accident, but they didn’t want to jump in case it didn’t belong to them. “Is that your [cooler]?” the cameraman asks. “I don’t think it’s going to be moving for a while.”
NEXT: The guys try to GUESS what could be inside…
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