20 Jul The Most Paused Scenes In Movie History That We Love Watching Over And Over Again…
Have you ever watched a movie, then spotted something on the screen and gone, “Woah! What was that!” before scrambling around for the remote control, pausing the movie and rewinding back to that specific spot? Well if you have, then you’ll know how these moments became the most paused movie scenes ever.
From steamy moments that we can’t help but want to replay, or scenes where you can spot extras walking behind in the scenes, clues to what will happen later on in the movie, or even evidence supporting new movies of the same franchise coming out soon, we love being the detectives of our own movies. So what are the most paused moments?
The Most Paused Movie Moments
There will be a fair few in here that you will be able to relate to so hard, you will probably smile or roll your eyes, knowing that someone you know – probably even YOU yourself – has paused the tape in that exact moment. The scene with Sharon Stone? Yep, we’ve got it in here. Ever heard about those rumors about the Little Mermaid original? They’re all true. See for yourself…
If you have ever seen the movie Fast Times, then you’ll know that nearly every single person watching the video paused it during the swimming scene with Linda and Stacy.
1. Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
In the story, Stacy’s big brother Brad is looking out for his sister Stacy and her friend Linda whilst the two girls splash around swimming in the pool. Phoebe Cates is the actress playing Linda Barrett, and the moment she climbs up the steps to get out the pool, we see her in a very small red bikini. Then she takes it off. Pause video.
If Phoebe Cates little strip off at the pool was steamy, then it wasn’t steamy enough. The movie Wild Things was never going to do well unless there was something in it viewers really wanted to see. Like two hot girls kissing?
2. Wild Things (1998)
It was as if a teenager dreamt this one up. Neve Campbell and Denise Richards absolutely destroyed any X-rating that Fast Times had by both making out with each other in the pool, and the removing bikini tops. It was the lesbian scene that everyone wanted to see, and was probably the main reason why Wild Things ever was a success.
NEXT: This movie was one that people just couldn’t handle when they saw this…
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