13 Thoughts We All Have On Our First Day At Work

The first day of a new job is one of the most daunting experiences you will likely face. You go from being a fully fledged adult who is confident in themselves, to being a child again. Suddenly, you are faced with meeting new people, making new friends and doing something different to what you’re used to. That thought terrifies you.

We’ve all done it, and we’ll all do it again. According to CareerBuilder, 45 percent of us don’t plan on staying in a job for more than two years, so we put ourselves through this gruelling experience pretty often. This list will outline 13 of the thoughts we all have when beginning a new job, just to let you know you that you’re not alone on this one. We’re all nervous wrecks, really.

1. I can’t sleep

Just like when you start school, suddenly you cannot sleep, due to a mixture of fear and excitement. You question every decision you’ve ever made, and fret that you’re not ready for this.

2. What time shall I get up?

After weeks of looking up your commute everyday, the time has finally come for you to face it. You’ve no doubt set your alarm for far too early, but even then you will still worry that you are going to be late.

3. Do I eat breakfast?

The killer question. If you choose to eat breakfast it might get stuck in your teeth, you might get sauce around your mouth or on your shirt, you might puke it all up on the train because of nerves! What if you get coffee breath and don’t realise? Decisions!

4. What on Earth do I wear?

This is a tough one, as more and more companies are becoming “casual” offices. You decide to err on the side of caution and go pretty smart, but with enough flexibility that it can turn casual pretty quickly if you do a bit of untucking, unbuttoning, etc.

5. I have no idea where I am going

You kept telling yourself you’d do a practice run of the commute, didn’t you? But you never did. Now it’s the real deal, and you have no idea how busy the trains are, or how to get from the office from the station. This is where the nerves really begin to kick in.

The post 13 Thoughts We All Have On Our First Day At Work appeared first on Viral Thread.

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