18 Jul 30 Of The Most Hilarious Things Ever Said In Court
With all the custody battles and criminals being subjected to the judgement of Lady Justice, it’s unsurprising that a courtroom is meant to be a pretty serious place. Courtroom dramas like the television series Law and Order or the Aaron Sorkin film A Few Good Men aim to show off the high-tension, high-stakes atmosphere inside a courtroom, but television shows such as Judge Judy or Divorce Court show that a courtroom can sometimes be a place of levity, or even unintentional hilarity.
Everyone in a courtroom is human, and as a result, they’re all susceptible to succumbing to pressure and saying some completely and utterly ridiculous things and unfortunately, the court stenographer is on hand to immortalise their stupidity forever. Charles M. Sevilla has put together some of those insane exchanges in a book called Disorder in the Court, and you can have a look at some of the most hilarious soundbites from it below.
1. The math on this isn’t quite right
2. I would imagine before
3. The witness was clearly pissed off by the question
4. That’s probably why they’re divorced, you know
5. I’d imagine pretty close
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