Teacher That Banned Bottle Flipping Trolls Students With Amazing Video

At school, even the most ridiculous of things can become a trend. From conkers to fidget spinners, students are bound to find something to occupy their recess time, or even the more dull parts of the curriculum. As I remember it, a lot of these trends would become the object of obsession for a few months at most, before they start to feel a little overplayed.

But for those outside of the student groups, such as parents and teachers, they probably get sick of it long before the students do. This was the case for one teacher and his class, when one particular trend hit big in his school. The trend this time was bottle-flipping, wherein a bottle with a small amount of water in it to weigh it down is flipped through the air, landing upright.

After a while Mr. Marshall got pretty sick of this, as the activity spread from break periods into the classroom, invading every aspect of school life. So it was at this point that he made the choice to ban bottle flipping for his classroom. But it was also on this day, December 6 2016, that Mr. Marshall began his own training.

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