Here Is Every Type Of Person You Will See On Social Media This Summer

Welcome my friends: come in, come in. What a spectacle we have for you today! We’ve got hotdog legs, ice cold beers and copious amounts of manicured nails resting on passports. We’ve got BBQs, picnics, festivals, sunburn, red party cups and endless repeats of Despacito on a Beats Pill. This, ladies and gentlemen, is Summer on Social Media (SOSM).

Social media in the summer is essentially a flexing contest between you and your “friends” to see who is having the best summer; it’s like Christmas on social media, but it lasts three months. On Christmas Day, our timelines are awash with Michael Kors watches, Calvin Klein boxers and an incessant amounts of deodorant and shower gel sets.

Everybody, and I mean everybody, has the best wife/husband/mom/dad/parents/girlfriend/boyfriend/brother or sister, and they all seem to have the biggest Christmas tree you have ever seen in your life. This bragging culture disappears once new year rolls into town, and we all go into a self-loathing hibernation throughout the cold, harsh months of January and February.

However, come spring time, bodies are more chiseled, skin is fake tanned and we begin our battle for online approval once more; which bring us to this. This list, which has taken hours to compile, is the definitive list of every type of person you will see on social media this summer. No other list matters, okay?

The post Here Is Every Type Of Person You Will See On Social Media This Summer appeared first on Viral Thread.

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