New Studies Show That Couples Who Drink Together Stay Together

Most of us meet our partners either on a night out or on Tinder, but whichever way it is, it usually involves alcohol. Whether it is the nervous first date (fuelled by some Dutch Courage), or a meeting of limbs on the sticky dance floor of your local nightclub, booze always helps break the socially awkward boundaries between the two of you.

However, once you’re in a relationship, the booze often dries up a little bit, as you favour a night on the sofa with your significant other over a night out with your pals belting out Summer Loving into each other’s face in the early hours of the morning.

One of the key moments in any relationship is when you first get hammered together. I’m not talking about a night out with all your friends hammered, I’m talking just you two, getting absolutely plastered on your own. Forget about getting comfortable enough to fart/poop around each other, or popping each other’s spots, getting drunk together is the biggest test of how much you can stand one another.

While sometimes you might find out you cannot deal with your partner when they’re drunk, more often than not, it works out brilliantly and helps boost your relationship… and this idea has been backed up by science.

The post New Studies Show That Couples Who Drink Together Stay Together appeared first on Viral Thread.

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