Venezuelan Protestors Reveal Horrific Methods Prison Guards Use To Torture Them

Venezuela is currently going through major political unrest, and the latest revelation regarding the treatment and torture of its prisoners won’t do anything to calm the situation down. The country has been unsettled for the past few years due to the financial crisis and dropping oil prices (which accounted for a large part of the country’s revenue), but the last few months has seen desperation turn into violence.

As the country begins to run out of money (it is down to its last as its last $10billion), citizens have began to violently protest against the current president, Nicolas Maduro and his running of the country.

The continuing clashes between the military and civilians has seen 74 people killed, with a further 1,300 injured and 3,000 detained since April, as Mundo tries to take control of the situation.

A human rights report into the mounting tensions and the treatment of prisoners found that 40 people were arrested in connection to the looting of a convenience store in Valencia, Carabobo. They were then brought before a military judge for 12 hours, with 19 of them being sent to a high security prison “without … explanation” whilst the others were released on conditional liberty.

However, many of those arrested were visibly cut and bruised and the revelations that have come out in regards to their treatment by the prison guards is quite frankly, disgusting.

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