10 Jul Vet Makes Bizarre Discovery After Girl Brings In Hamster Who Hasn’t Moved For Days
Wouldn’t it be great if pets could talk? It would certainly make it a lot easier to understand what is wrong with them half the time. Take my cat for example. I’ll be sitting with my feet up, a beer in my hand and watching the telly when she decides it’s the perfect time to come and talk to me.
She’ll pop her head round the corner of the sofa and start meowing uncontrollably until I stand get up to see what she wants. I’ll go to the kitchen and put food in her bowl but she won’t eat it, then I’ll open the front door to let her out but she won’t go, so then I pick her up and put her on the sofa to come and sit with me and she’ll walk off.
Animals continuously do strange things; that’s part of why we love them so much, but it would be handy if we could understand what on Earth is going on in their mind half the time.
Take this little girl’s hamster, for example. The rodent hadn’t moved from the side of his cage for three days and hadn’t eaten or anything in that time as well. Obviously, the youngster was concerned, and her parents decided to take the hamster to the vet to see what the problem was, and see if there was anything that could be done.
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