17 of Your Favorite Scene Kids and What They Look like 10 Years Later

10 years ago, scene kids were all the rage. Anyone who was anyone on Myspace will remember the generous amount of make-up applied, the classic black skinny jeans worn and the vibrantly dyed hair modeled, often so bright it was blinding. Not to mention the hella rad vocabulary they used that posers just didn’t get, the struggle when they didn’t have enough studded belts to accessorize their outfit with, and the fact that they were only ever as cool as the track featured on their Myspace profile. You know it’s true.

But the all-important thing that everyone wants to know is: what do scene kids of our youth look like now? Luckily for everyone, BuzzFeed was there to stalk our favourite scene kids’ social media to find out. Join us in taking a walk down memory lane…

1. Kiki Kannibal AKA Kristen Ostrenga

Source: Instagram

2. Audrey Kitching

Source: Instagram

3. Hanna Beth

4. Zui Suicide

5. Jeffree Star

Source: Instagram

The post 17 of Your Favorite Scene Kids and What They Look like 10 Years Later appeared first on Viral Thread.

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