Student Nurse Who Committed Suicide Sends Heartbreaking Final Text To Ex-Boyfriend

A study conducted by YouGov has demonstrated the extent to which England’s student population is affected by mental health issues. The 2016 study released the disconcerting statistic that more than a quarter of students – that is, 27% – report that they have suffered from a mental health problem. Unsurprisingly, researchers stated that depression and anxiety were the most reported illnesses; of those who are afflicted, a whopping 77% suffer from depression and 74% from anxiety.

The study picked up on another disturbing trend, that statistically female students are more likely to suffer from mental health ailments: 34% of female students reported that they had a problem as opposed to 19% of their male counterparts.

Consequently, it is apparent that more needs to be done to ensure that university students have access to the support they need to manage their mental health ailments. The implications for not doing so can be grave.

Just this past February student nurse Lucy de Oliveira took her own life shortly after breaking up with her boyfriend.

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