10 Jul Hilarious Neighbours Are Involved In An Ultimate Six-Year Prank War
In the majority of cases people’s relationships with their neighbours tends to consist of nothing more than the awkward “hello”, that is when they’re absolutely forced to interact. I mean, I’d happily stand in the lift with number 36, staring determinedly at my shoes. So much for the age-old notion of running to your neighbours to borrow some milk and sugar, eh? Certainly, the modern generation appear to be much happier to have online relationships with complete strangers, rather than talk to the people that they share a wall with.
However, two neighbours from West Lothian in Scotland enjoy a rather rare neighbourly relationship, not only are the pair good friends but they also spend a substantial amount of time trying to prank each other, to absolutely hilarious ends. Neighbours John Janowski and Rachel Paterson have been involved in a six-year-long prank war that they both love being a part of.
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