Kate Winslet Reveals Why She Never Dated Leonardo DiCaprio

It seemed to all a match made in heaven. When Katie Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio burst onto the big screen with the collossal commercial success that was James Cameron’s Titanic, Hollywood beckoned two fresh faced rising stars into its effervescent core.

The boyish DiCaprio won the hearts of women everywhere with his energetic, good looking, ever-so-slightly naive character in the movie, while Winslet played the socially superior, upper-class dame with a panache that belied her years.

Perhaps it was due to the heart-achingly romantic nature of Titanic, maybe it was the pair’s obvious on-screen chemistry; whether during steamy love scenes in the back of a car, or whirling around in each other’s arms on the dancefloor, it seemed that the couple were the perfect match, both on and off screen.

So convincing were the pair were as on-screen, many have seemed unable to separate the real from the imagined; sure that Winslet and DiCaprio must be romantically involved in reality as well as on the silver screen.

Movies like the ardent and highly passionate Revolutionary Road did nothing to abate fans’ fascination with the concept of the pair as a couple, nor did their obvious public affection and support for one another.

However, it would seem that not only was there never any romantic involvement between the pair, but that neither had seriously entertained the possiblity of such a notion, as Katie Winslet explains in an interview.

The post Kate Winslet Reveals Why She Never Dated Leonardo DiCaprio appeared first on Viral Thread.

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