28 Jun 12 Times People Overheard the Weirdest Conversations out of Context
Have you ever walked down the street, come to an abrupt halt, looked around at the person you just passed and thought “what the hell?”
Overhearing insanely weird conversations between members of the public is truly one of life’s greatest joys that should never be underestimated or overlooked. I think my recent personal favourite was on the tube to work one morning last month when a blonde-haired, seemingly-sensible woman dressed in a grey business suit turned to her friend and asked: “What’s Obama’s surname?”
You literally can’t make this stuff up. So, in honour of all things utterly bizarre, I hereby welcome you to have a tremendous giggle at the strangest conversations ever overheard and posted to Twitter. Enjoy eavesdroppers.
1. All the important questions
2. I’m trying to imagine what shapes were coming out here
3. It’s not just the dogs, all creatures big and small are out for each other
4. Of all the things in the world, this is what you’re keen to know?
5. An Uber service where you set your own prices? Perfect!
6. Yes. Don’t do that
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