24 Jun Guy Goes Searching For A Doctor At An Anti-Vaccine Rally, Miserably Fails
Ever since Edward Jenner tried to infect his own son with smallpox back in the late 18th century, the human race as a whole has benefitted greatly from the influx of vaccinations. On a basic level, a vaccination infects your body with a mild, survivable version of a deadly disease, allowing your body to repel the threat easily while getting the immune system acquainted with that particular strain of ailment.
Over the years, vaccinations have helped to wipe out many illnesses that had hitherto plagued humanity, such as smallpox, measles or even polio.
Recently, however, some of these near-eradicated diseases are seeping back into society, after an anti-vaccine sentiment has crept up in places such as America and Australia. These are inspired in part by claims that vaccines can lead to autism in young children. Apart from being incorrect, this assertion is dangerous, and one man decided to expose the erroneous line of thinking by attempting to track down a doctor at an anti-vaccine rally.
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