Mom Demands Her Sick Son Only Be Seen by a ‘White Doctor’ without ‘Brown Teeth’

Every American out there is privy to the not-so-well-kept secret that the U.S. healthcare system is struggling, and sometimes even appears to the naked eye to be on its last legs. Americans have been left stranded in hospitals mired by funding issues and desperately understaffed, calling their surgery for an appointment, only to waste hours slumped in doctor’s waiting rooms twiddling their thumbs before being examined. It’s blindingly obvious that the industry is in need of a minor miracle.

But let me ask you something: if your child was suffering from a serious condition and was in need of immediate care, would you honestly care who saw to them, as long as the person in question was a trained medical professional?

For some people out there, the answer to this seemingly-obvious question appears to be “yes”. They would mind rather a lot. A Canadian woman made this clear when she flat-out refused for her son to see a “brown” doctor, instead demanding her sick child only be seen by a “white doctor” who “doesn’t have brown teeth” and “speaks English” in a video that went viral this week.

The shocking footage was uploaded to YouTube by Hitesh Bhardwaj who was sitting in the waiting room of a walk-in clinic in Mississauga, Canada, on June 18 when the woman began her appalling rant. In the video, the woman claims her child is suffering from chest pains, but is angered when the staff tell her that there are no white doctors available until later in the day.

The post Mom Demands Her Sick Son Only Be Seen by a ‘White Doctor’ without ‘Brown Teeth’ appeared first on Viral Thread.

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