Homeless Grad Asks People To Take His Resume Instead Of Asking For Cash – Gets 200 Job Offers

This story is one of true resilience and determination. Sometimes, when we don’t succeed at first we’ve got to get back up. It doesn’t matter what situation we are in either, or how dire it may seem – the important thing is that we try again. This was certainly the case for David Casarez who, against all of the odds, found a clever way to reach his goals.

Many new grads out there want to land their dream job right out of college but very few do. In the case of David Casarez, who graduated from Texas A&M University in 2014 with a degree in Management Information Systems, his dream was to work in Silicon Valley.

David did get a good job at General Motors in Austin, Texas straight away, but it wasn’t the job he had hoped for. Fresh out of school, he felt he needed to at least try to attain his dream job so he cashed out 401k to pursue his own tech startup in Silicon Valley – only to run out of money in a matter of months.

To discover what it takes to write the perfect resume, check out the video below:


Despite his failure, David was determined to keep his head held high. Now living in his car, he applied for other IT jobs in the area but no one was hiring.

“I’d been living in my car for more than a year. No one was hiring. I had an interview with Apple in January, but the job was filled internally,” David told The Post. He reveals he did some freelance design work of websites and logos to keep himself afloat but he was growing desperate.

Last month, David’s car was repossessed and he began sleeping on a park bench, so on Friday he put on his best clothes, printed off copies of his resume, and stood on a street corner handing them out. Instead of asking for money, he asked passersby for a job.

He held a posterboard sign, which read: “HOMELESS. HUNGRY 4 SUCCESS. TAKE A RESUME.” David says it was a make or break moment for him. “I was thinking you know, like this was like my last stop. If this didn’t work, I’d go back home and give up on my dream,” he revealed.

However, after just a few hours, a woman named Jasmine Scofield was driving by and she asked if she could take David’s picture. Around 5 pm on that day, she posted his story on her social media account, and it spread like wildfire.

“Today I saw this young homeless man asking for people to take a resume rather than asking for money,” Scofield wrote on her Twitter account. “Please RT so we can help David out!” By midday on Saturday, David’s story had been retweeted over 100,000 times and liked over 150,000 times!

Scofield, who works in finance, told KRON-TV that she identified with David’s struggle and felt a duty to use her social media platforms to help him out in any way she could.

“Moving to the Silicon Valley is overwhelming if you don’t have the finances and established network. I’ve struggled like he has out here, been close to his position, so it hit close to home and I knew I needed to use my platforms to try and help,” she said.

As a result, David has been flooded with job offers from every tech company from Google to Netflix to Linkedin to Pandora. Twitter users even started their own hashtag for David with #GetDavidAJob finding a presence on the social media platform well into the weekend, and get him a job they did!

“Google reached out to me,” David told The Post from a local Starbucks where he had previously begged, without luck, for work. “So many other companies. Pandora. A bunch of startups,” the 26-year-old continued. “A product manager from Bitcoin.com was wondering if I could work remotely if I want to relocate to Tokyo.”

David, who says he is overwhelmed with the response, hasn’t yet decided where he will work but his dream of working and living in Silicon Valley has just become a reality. Not only has he got a job, but he has his choice from hundreds of top tech companies who all want him.

I doubt he ever thought he would have offers like this after his own startup failed. Sometimes life doesn’t work out exactly how we want it to, but if we hang in there, it occasionally turns out to be even better than our wildest dreams.

In truth, so many people don’t get to live their dreams because they don’t try to attain them, or if they do, they give up at the first sign of failure. The key to success is not to quit, be innovative, and find a way forward. Eventually, as David has proven, hard work will meet the right moment and bring success.

We wish David the best of luck with his bright future in Silicon Valley.

The post Homeless Grad Asks People To Take His Resume Instead Of Asking For Cash – Gets 200 Job Offers appeared first on Viral Thread.

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