Shocking Video Shows Eight-Year-Old Boy Driving 75mph Down Highway Whilst His Parents Shout “Overtake”

Thanks to the internet, we are exposed to shocking material on a daily basis. As a result, we have become quite desensitized to what we see. For example, those harmless fail videos which show people in stricken situations generate thousands of likes from people all over the world.

Just think about it, in one online scroll we see extreme body modification, daredevil stunts, concerning challenges and obscene criminal behavior, and yet very few people even think twice before they tag their friends in it, further sharing it around the globe.

That being said, there are times when a line needs to be drawn. Most recently that came in the form of a 29-second clip which shows an eight-year-old boy driving down a highway in Romania at speeds of 75mph.

You have to see it to believe it…


In the shocking video, several adults can be heard shouting at the boy to “overtake” as they approach a heavy goods vehicle. As the young boy inches closer to the truck, the adults laugh hysterically, evidently unfazed by the dangerous maneuver.

They continue to film as the boy, whose feet can barely reach the pedals, swerves in and out of the lanes on the highway in Romania’s Sibiu County in the historical Transylvania region.

Whilst it is unclear how many adults were in the vehicle at the time, it is thought that a man and a woman were in the car. It is believed that they are the boy’s parents.

To make matters worse, the boy drives without his seatbelt fastened as the adults call for him to “signal” and “turn”. After overtaking the truck, a woman, thought to be the child’s mother, can be heard saying: “We will practice some more, my dear.”

The clip was originally uploaded to Facebook where it attracted more than half a million views. Most of those who watched the footage were enraged by what they’d seen. In fact, some users were so incensed by the irresponsible behavior that they called the police to investigate the matter.

It is currently not clear if any action has been, or will be, taken in this case. However, it would certainly seem to be an incident of interest to the police given that in Romania it is illegal for a child under the age of 12 to travel in the front passenger seat – let alone drive!

In Romania, the minimum age you have to be in order to obtain a driving license is 18, meaning that this child is 10 years shy of being legal behind the wheel.

In fact, there are no countries where this situation would be legal. The youngest a person can be to drive legally is 14 years old, and even then, they need to have a licensed adult in the vehicle to accompany them (this only applies in certain parts of the world, such as the state of South Dakota, Alberta in Canda and France).

And, whilst it’s good to start them young, there can be no denying that that approach doesn’t apply to driving!

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