Bodycam Captures The Dramatic Moment Cop Shoots Suspect Through His Windshield During Chase

As someone who has watched their fair share of action movies, I am always amused by the sheer audacity of the entertainment industry. I mean, do they really think that all those high-speed car chases, intense shootouts, and dramatic bare-knuckle brawls are remotely realistic?

Just think about it, if action movies were based even narrowly on reality, then we wouldn’t have heroes like James Bond, Jason Bourne, Indiana Jones, or Mission Impossible‘s Ethan Hunt. Why? Because they’d have all perished within the first 10 minutes of their first film.

To highlight just how out of touch those in Hollywood are with the real world, you need look no further than the Fast & Furious franchise. Arguably one of the biggest film franchises in the world, Fast & Furious has managed to squeeze out eight films to date, with another two scheduled for release in the near future, despite the fact that barely a single cast member would have survived the first film – let alone ten!

But, whilst Hollywood may certainly take liberties when it comes to depicting action and adventure, sometimes even the most outrageous of scenes are a lot closer to home than you may think.

This was illustrated earlier this week when a Las Vegas cop shot a murder suspect through his patrol car’s windscreen during a high-speed car chase.

Watch the intense moment here. If this doesn’t make your heart beat frantically in your chest, then I don’t know what will…


The incident occurred on July 11, shortly after the police were called to a murder scene at a car wash on Las Vegas’ north side. Upon arrival at 7:30 am, they discovered the body of 25-year-old Thomas Romero, a father with a five-year-old daughter, who’d been shot multiple times in the chest.

According to the Las Vegas Review Journal, witnesses at the deadly scene claimed to have seen the shooting suspects flee in a black SUV with large tires.

A few hours later, whilst still patrolling the area, the police spotted a vehicle that matched that description just around the corner from the murder scene. However, when they attempted to approach the black Ford Expedition, it sped off.

Immediately, the police pursued the vehicle as it chaotically swerved through traffic, driving on the wrong side of the road. Then, the occupants of the SUV began to fire shots at the patrol cars in pursuit.

Managing to dodge the shots, Officers Umana and Solomon continued to tail the fleeing vehicle. However, it was clear that some action needed to be taken in order to stop the suspects from escaping and causing harm to the public in the process.

That’s when one of the officers decides to take drastic actions by firing shots through his patrol car windshield, whilst he drives behind the black SUV at high speed. The getaway vehicle suddenly swerves as the officer’s shots meet their intended target.

The Expedition then crashes into Hollingsworth Elementary School, around two miles from where the chase first began. The officer then steps out of his patrol car and fires several more shots at the vehicle, whose wheels are still spinning.

That’s when the two suspects, 22-year-old Fidel Miranda and 30-year-old Rene Nunez, attempt to flee the scene on foot, resulting in the death of Miranda. Nunez was later found alive, but wounded, hiding in the grounds of the elementary school which had been placed on lockdown during the incident.

Nunez was arrested at the scene and taken to jail where he was charged with two counts of murder, three of attempted murder of police and one of disobeying an officer resulting in death.

He already has a criminal records dating back to 2010 when he pleaded guilty to assault with a deadly weapon. He also pleaded guilty to robbery in 2011 and theft from a person in 2014.

Meanwhile, officer Umana and Solomon, who both serve with the tourist safety division of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, have been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation into their use of force – a move which is protocol in such incidents.

Whilst Umana and Solomon have both been named as the officers involved in the incident, it is not clear which of the two was the one to shoot through their windscreen.

Many have called the pair – who have both been members of the force for more than 15 years – heroes for their brave actions. Others, however, have deemed them reckless. But, what do you think?

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