Missing Plane Belonging To Couple Is Finally Found After 21 Years Of Hopeless Searching

On December 17, 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright made history when they piloted the first successful flight over North Carolina. It may have only lasted for 12 seconds, but that moment changed life as we know it.

Now, a little over a century later, there are more than 100,000 flights each day, transporting an average of eight million people across the globe. Yet, statistically, traveling by air is the safest way to get about. In fact, 2017 was the safest year for air travel on record.

Despite this, traveling by air instills a feeling of terror within a significant portion of the world’s population. Of course, it’s easy to see why given that in recent years there have been a number of haunting incidents involving planes.

Be it the mysterious disappearance of Malaysian flight MH370, which is still yet to be found despite four years of intense searching, or the shocking freak accident onboard Southwest flight 957, where a passenger was killed after being sucked out of a faulty window at high altitude.

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In addition, the tragic fate of United Airlines Flight 175, United Airlines Flight 93, American Airlines Flight 11 and American Airlines Flight 77, which were all implicated in the September 11 terror attacks, is still extremely clear in the minds of millions of passengers.

Whilst extremely rare, these horrifying incidents are all too close to home for every person who boards a plane. No doubt previous air accidents were on the minds of Mark and Janet Davies, who were last seen in 1997 when the plane they were traveling in left the runway at Drummond Island Airpot, Michigan.

The couple were frequent fliers, who often traveled from their home in Howell, Michigan to the Upper Peninsula for “weekend jaunts” to their holiday home. However, their trip on September 14, 1997, would end in disaster when the couple disappeared without a trace.

For weeks rescuers desperately combed a 200-mile area in the hope of finding the couple, who were celebrating Janet’s 52nd birthday. There was a hope that the pair may still be found alive is rescuers could reach them in time.

But the searches turned out to be hopeless as rescuers failed to find even a small scrap of evidence to hint towards the location of their doomed plane, which had been scheduled to land at Livingston Airport.

Mark Davies was an experienced pilot who’d held his pilot’s license for ten years prior to the incident. “He’s passionate about flying,” Janet’s sister told Ann Arbor News at the time of the incident. “They flew all the time. Janet has complete confidence in her husband, he’s a mechanic, so he knew the engine well.”

The couple were last seen at 3 pm on that fateful Sunday whilst presumably on their way to the airport. However, no flight plan was ever filed for their trip. This presented those trying to locate the plane with a further challenge. In addition, that particular Sunday had been extremely foggy, meaning that few people would have seen the plane flying through the sky.

Unable to locate the plane, the search team concluded that it must have crashed into a lake after Mark Davies became disorientated in the foggy conditions.

The mystery of the Davies’ disappearance has haunted their local town of Howell for nearly 21 years. What happened to them? Where did they go? Is there any chance that they could still be alive?

But now a chance discovery made by a forester near the city of St. Ignace, Michigan, could hold the clue to what happened over two decades ago.

According to the National Transportation Safety Board, the wreckage of a small plane was found in a remote area near St. Ignace on Wednesday, July 11. It is believed that the wreckage is that of the Davies’ small Piper airplane, of which they were the sole occupants.

“No one had obviously traversed the areas for decades,” Mackinac County Sheriff Scott Strait said of the discovery. “The tail number matched a plane that had been missing for 21 years.”

Continuing to explain how the plane could have remained hidden for so long, Strait continued to add:

“The plane is white and we have outcroppings of limestone, so it may have been blended in that way, so we’re not quite sure, it’s in a very remote area of the county surrounded by swampland and heavily forested areas.”

“It’s a tragedy whether it happened yesterday or 20 years ago for the families and our thoughts go out to them, to have some closure to this at least,” Strait concluded.

Hopefully, this discovery will provide the Davies’ family some long-awaited closure. We wish them well at this difficult time.

The post Missing Plane Belonging To Couple Is Finally Found After 21 Years Of Hopeless Searching appeared first on Viral Thread.

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