Girl Waits Two Hours For Vegan Meal And It Is Really Not What Anybody Expected

Veganism might be all the rage right now, with more people converting to a plant-based diet than ever before. But it will come as no surprise to anyone to hear that some places cater better to vegans than others. While some cities will have whole restaurants dedicated to meals that are rustled up without a single animal product, in others you’d be hard-pressed to find anywhere that doesn’t use milk, eggs, fish or meat.

But by now you would kind of expect somewhere as modern, cool and health-conscious as California to be doing veganism pretty well. I mean, providing you’re not heading for a steakhouse, you’d expect there to be something vegan-friendly and tasty on the menu pretty much anywhere.

So when Taylor Mooney headed out to celebrate Father’s Day at ‘Kathrin’s Biergarten’, a family-run restaurant which prides itself on offering “micro-brewed beers and authentic German home-style cooked meals”, she was hoping for greatness.

“This new German restaurant opened and its really rare so we were all super excited to go, especially me because they advertised themselves as being vegan and vegetarian-friendly,” she told Unilad.

Knowing what a hassle eating out can be when you’re vegan, Mooney checked the menu beforehand and plumped for a [decent] sounding “vegan pretzel bun”, which should have been jam-packed with “delicious veggies”. At just $7, it seemed like a steal and to be honest, the photos of the pretzels look great.

Unfortunately, it seemed like the restaurant wasn’t quite prepared for the demands of catering to a vegan diet and Taylor’s food took an infuriating two hours to arrive, as she sat and watched everyone else’s plates come and go. You’d think that they must have been whipping up something particularly special, right?

After all, there’s tons of delicious food these days. Seriously, even I’d be tempted to go vegan for that pulled pork mac ‘n cheese. Probably only for the day though.

Could you resist this? 


But unfortunately, if Taylor was hoping for greatness, she was about to be sorely disappointed. That’s because when her food did finally arrive, she was actually presented with a dry bun containing just a handful of green beans with a few baby carrots stuff in for color. I mean, there have been juice diets that sound more fulfilling than that.

And, just wait until you see the picture. Honestly, the first word that sprung to mind was flaccid. 

“My meal was so dry I had to drown it in mustard and sauerkraut. When I actually started eating it was so gross. Crunchy vegetables on dry bread does not go at all – it’s such a weird texture!” she said, adding: “Everyone at the table laughed when it came out and asked if I wanted to order anything else.”

When you’re drowning something in mustard and sauerkraut, you know it’s bad.

Taylor isn’t the first diner to experience the crushing disappointment of a terrible vegan meal, however.

In August 2017, a woman named Gabbie Jarvis’s took to Twitter to reveal the plate of sadness that her sister had been served up while they were dining out in Malaga, Spain, writing: “Out for tea and the restaurant claimed they catered for vegans, this was my sister’s amazing vegan meal.”

Yes, that is tomatoes on a plate.

Speaking to The Mirror, she went on to explain: “Georgina originally ordered a vegetarian pizza with no cheese but serving staff came out and told us shortly after that it had egg in it and she should look at the salads.” Somehow, I still think you’d be hard-pressed to say this was a salad.

Impressively though, Georgina wasn’t actually that upset with her meal: “She is used to eating raw vegetables and she was hungry so she ate it all but asked for a bread roll to accompany it (no butter).” That said, she did fill up later on a vegan pizza that did look far more appealing.

Some people will (and did) say that it serves these people right for being vegan, that there’s nothing tastier than a big juicy burger or a chunky barely-cooked steak. But at the end of the day, being vegan is actually a pretty noble lifestyle choice, saving the planet and sparing animals at the same time – and by now, most restaurants should know better.

The post Girl Waits Two Hours For Vegan Meal And It Is Really Not What Anybody Expected appeared first on Viral Thread.

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